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ChamSys Unleashes The Power of Choice at LDI With New MagicQ Compact Wing and GeNetix TouchScene

SOUTHAMPTON, UK – The Power Of Choice! Psychologists, motivational experts, and the like have dispensed reams of advice on how to embrace this potent force in our lives. Now, ChamSys has made it simpler to channel thi…
septembre 8, 2023
LONDON – A frame not only contains a subject; at times, it can also serve as a window into bold new visions and unlimited opportunities. Such was the case earlier this week…
avril 17, 2023
  Since 2003, ChamSys has harnessed the talents of lighting designers, software engineers and hardware developers to innovate and disrupt the field of lighting control’. a…

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Entreprise 4705608 enregistrée en Angleterre, numéro de TVA 816 2677 18
Adresse : Pennine House, 8 Stanford Street, Angleterre, NG1 7BQ